OVIklinika is a state-of-the-art infertility treatment center.

centrum leczenia niepłodności w Warszawie

The OVIklinika Angelius Group is a state-of-the-art infertility treatment center located in Warsaw. The center was founded by prof. dr hab. Piotr Laudański and dr hab. Piotr Pierzyński, esteemed reproductive medicine specialists with extensive experience in infertility treatment, acquired at the best institutions both in Poland and abroad, including London.

OVIklinika operates in a strategic partnership with the Angelius infertility treatment center – one of the most renowned centres in Poland, which has been carrying out its activities in Katowice for over 15 years. Angelius was the first in Poland to implement the IMSI fertilization method, and vitrification using the Kuwayama method, and holds all the necessary certifications and permissions to conduct in vitro fertilization procedures. Together with OVIklinika, they are part of the Angelius Group, which includes a hospital, a clinical research department, specialized laboratories, a pharmacy, and other medical units. Angelius also serves as a training center in the field of reproductive medicine.

OVIklinika and Angelius have combined their forces, including their competencies, staff, and location, to provide OVIklinika patients with expertise, specialized diagnostics, support, and treatment using the latest methods and state-of-the-art equipment.

The building housing OVIklinika has been rebult and  renovated from scratch to create a top-tier infertility treatment facility.

Our innovative ventilation and air conditioning system ensures the highest air purity standards in our embryology laboratory, treatment rooms, and throughout the facility. The air conditioning system lets us shut off external air intake in the case of appearance of smog or other pollutants. Positive air pressure in the embryological lab prevents the entry of airborne impurities. We do not store sources of dust and pollution, such as paper documentation in our labs. During the renovation of the OVIklinika buildings, only certified materials that do not emit volatile organic compounds (known as VOCs) were used.

centrum leczenia niepłodności w Warszawie

State-of-the-art equipment in the laboratory

The state-of-the-art equipment in our embryology lab, treatment rooms, and medical offices is a crucial component ensuring the effective treatment of OVIklinika patients.


There are over 30 parking spaces for our patients at our own parking lot.