**Micro-TESE** is recommended for men with azoospermia (absence of sperm cells in the semen) related to an impairment in sperm production by the testes.
Several factors can lead to non-obstructive azoospermia, such as prior oncological treatments, genetic disorders, or past injuries. Unfortunately, in most cases, determining the causes or pursuing conservative treatment is not possible. The micro-TESE testicular biopsy is performed on men who have failed to obtain sperm with the use of less advanced methods, such as the standard TESA/PESA biopsy.
Micro-TESE is a procedure performed under general anaesthesia. It consists in making a small incision in the scrotum, which provides access to both testes. Using a surgical microscope, the urologic surgeon can identify sites of sperm production (spermatogenesis) that might be missed during a conventional biopsy. After their collection and simultaneous checking the presence of sperm by the embryologist assisting the operation, the testicle is fitted with very thin dissolvable surgical sutures. After confirmation of the presence of sperm cells, they will be selected and frozen for later use in the IVF-ICSI procedure.
* Procedures performed by ANGELIUS Infertility Treatment in Katowice.[/vc_column_text]